Sunday, May 19, 2013

TOW #29: TOW Reflection


When we were first assigned TOW's, I chose unsophisticated topics to write about weekly. I think that over time, my writing changed and I began to read about more political or controversial issues, which influenced the way I wrote my essays, specifically the argument essay and analysis essay. I think I could still improve on reading nonfiction IRB's because in the argument essay, it would have improved my argument if I could have used a specific book to defend my claim. 
In the beginning, it was easy for me to do a TOW every week. About halfway through the year, in February, I stopped doing them. I think that the TOW's would have been more beneficial had they been graded on a weekly basis. But on the other hand, AP English is a college-level course and it should be expected that students will follow the curriculum without being constantly reminded to do the assignments. The fact that the TOW's weren't graded and rarely checked greatly influenced by lack of motivation to do them. But as I said before, this is a college-level class and I should've looked passed being graded on my TOWs and focused more on how the TOWs would improve my writing. 
I think the purpose of the assignment was to help our analysis and argument essays improve, given that we were told to rhetorically analyze a piece of writing. Not only did the analysis help us think about rhetorical devices, but the articles themselves helped us gain knowledge of different events and people. Overall I think I benefitted from the TOWs, but I do think that checking them on a weekly basis and giving students a grade for the assignment would ensure that students do them when they are expected to. 

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