Friday, May 17, 2013

TOW #24: Woman Dies After Assault Rifle Goes Off

With gun control being a big issue in society, the use of firearms and rifles is controversial. Anastasia Adair, a Colorado woman, died after holding a rifle and accidentally shooting herself in the head. While handing the gun over to her husband, Anastasia accidentally shot herself in the head, and when she fell to the floor, the gun went off again. The author, Andres Juaregui, composed his article including many quotes from the woman's husband. Much of the quotes advocate for the importance of never handling guns when intoxicated, and always being extremely preventative and careful. Andres is able to address his argument by using the quotes without simply stating that guns are extremely dangerous and should always be handled properly. The authors diction is very simple as well, in order to appeal to all audiences and in order to make sure all audiences understand his message regarding gun control in American society. Cases like Anastasia only fuel the government to make stricter and stricter laws about gun control and its continued use in society.

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