Friday, January 11, 2013

TOW #16: Re-Write

Dove Real Beauty Commercial (TOW #6 Visual Text) Re-Write

        Dove, a personal hygiene and care brand, created a commercial which advertises their company and promotes their campaign. Dove campaigns that all women, no matter what size or color, are beautiful. Dove also campaigns that women do not need to look like the women on TV or in magazines in order to feel good about themselves. The one-minute fifteen-second commercial contains juxtaposition, appeals, and ethos in order to convey their campaign slogan.
         The concept of the commercial is to show how women in the magazines are photo-shopped and manipulated to look the way that they do. The commercial juxtaposes a "real" woman, without makeup and without being airbrushed, and a "fake" woman, a woman wearing loads of makeup. Dove encapsulates the fact that women do not need to look like the "fake" woman in order to be beautiful, which supports their argument that all women are beautiful in their own way.
     The commercial utilizes the self-esteem of women all over the world in order to appeal to their audience. They take a woman with low self esteem, airbrush her, and make her look like a Barbie doll. When Dove shows the amount of time it takes to make a woman look like that, it allows the audience to realize that in reality, no one looks the way the models do in pictures... Not even the models themselves. Appealing to the audience makes the commercial effective because it does not target a certain type of women, it targets women as a whole.
    The commercial also uses ethos in order to show that their arguments and beliefs are both accurate. Dove, a company which sells beauty products, experiences first-hand the women in the beauty/fashion industry. Since they compete with other brands and other companies, they know how other brands sell their products: making women look undeniably and unbelievably beautiful, which makes women strive to look like that instead of being comfortable in their own skin. Dove builds their credibility by showing the audience that no one on TV looks the way they do without all of the makeup, which allows women to increase their level of self esteem and feel comfortable in their bodies. Overall, Dove's use of juxtaposition, appeals, and ethos makes their advertisement and their campaign effective for women all over the world.

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