Sunday, January 6, 2013

TOW #15: School Resumes for Students Haunted by Newtown Tragedy

School Resumes for Students Haunted by Newtown Tragedy
Visual Text

The video describes the tragic events that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The video tells the audience that the children who survived the shooting are not returning to school anytime soon, as their school is still a crime scene under investigation. The video uses pathos to appeal to the audience's emotions, although I don't think the video's main purpose is to make the audience emotional. The tragedy effected so many people, regardless of whether or not they lost a friend or family member. The entire country has mourned and prayed for those affected by one of the worst acts of violence our country as experienced. The news anchors tone of voice is flat and sympathetic, allowing the audience to realize how badly this event has effected our country.
I think that the video is extremely effective in displaying the events that took place because it shows that not only did this shooting effect Sandy Hook Elementary school, it effected the entire country. This is a tragic and horribly unimaginable time for those who have lost lives, and the news did a very accurate and heartfelt portrayal of the events that took place. 

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