Sunday, October 28, 2012

TOW #7: Male Politicians Shouldn't Make Abortion Decisions

Male Politicians Shouldn't Make Abortion Decisions

The author of this article, Kevin Liptak, is a reporter for CNN who is most known for writing about politics. This article was about President Obama's interview with Jay Leno, stating that he does not believe men should make decisions regarding abortion. He references Richard Mourdock, who recently made comments regarding rape and abortion. Mourdock, being a republican and Christian, believes that pregnancy is intended by God, therefore aborting a child is strictly immoral and sacrilegious. I think Obama makes a clear and logical point saying that abortion and rape are actions that should be handled by woman, because the actions are done to them. I think he is very reasonable and intelligent stating that these are decisions a woman should make for herself. The rhetorical devices used in the article are what made it appeal to me, and probably to all women all over the country. The author showed both opposing arguments, but explained why Obama's argument was valid and reasonable. Liptak's diction made the article sound factual, sophisticated, and made me view the author as a reliable and credible source of information. His use of ethos allowed me to understand his perspective and change my previous perspective, which  I think is a very powerful device to use. Overall, I think the article was full of rhetoric, very convincing, and showed both view points in a clear way.

Rhetorical Devices:

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